Now the all-new Kindle Paperwhite in Amazon Trade In. 100% waterproof with double storage. Customers receive the appraised value of the old Kindle e-readers and a 25% off Amazon gift cards credit through the Trade-In program. Click to process your trade-in right now >>>
Once your trade-in device is accepted, an Amazon Gift Card equal to the value of your device and an additional $40 off credit toward an all-new Kindle device will be applied to your Amazon account. Click to trade in your device right now >>>
Now customers get 25% off the best e-reader Kindle Oasis with Amazon Trade-In >>>
The offering of Amazon Trade-In bonus keeps on. Customers get Amazon Gift cards plus extra 25% off any of the all-new Kindle e-readers when trade in their old model of Kindle, even non-working old e-readers are eligible. Shipping is free. Once the trade-in item accepted, an Amazon Gift Card equal to an appraised value of the old device, plus the bonus 25% off trade-in savings for the all-new Kindle will be applied to customer’s Amazon account. Offer limited time, the qualifying trade-ins must be completed before 12:59 p.m. on June 30th, 2018 . The applied bonus of 25% off savings expires at 11:59 p.m. on August 31st, 2018. Click to trade in for Amazon gift cards plus extra 25% off all-new Kindle e-readers right away >>>